Thesaurus is a synonym finder that you can use to find technical terms or make useful suggestions.
Apoplex -> Schlaganfall
galvanisieren -> metallbeschichten, metallisieren
Pferd -> Einhufer, Gaul, Hottehü, Hottemax, Ross, Rössel....
The search is tolerant to spelling mistakes. The search for Adruhfy finds atrophy and atrophy.
Within the hits you can search for further associations or for upper and lower terms.
- approx. 150,000 words (more every week)
- approx. 40,000 synonym groups (more every week)
- weekly updates (you will never run out of ideas)
- no advertising, no further costs
- works in flight mode/no internet connection required
- immediate display of hits
- quick search
- over 15,000 summaries and direct links to wikipedia
- favourites
- history
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